Top 10 Photoshop tips & photo gallery help you learn more Graphics design. In this tutorial you will learn how to create a Wood-grain Background using Photoshop. If you have any questions about this tutorial be sure to ask in the comments. Also, remember with all the tutorials.
Lets get started:
Fill the background layer of your document with a brown color.
Select Filter > Noise > Add Noise. In the dialog box that appears,
set the amount to 65% or thereabouts for a higher contrast,
and check the Monochromatic option, as shown at right
Bring up the Motion Blur dialog box by selecting Filter Menu
*Than Click: Blur
*Click: Motion Blur.
Set the Angle to 0° and the Distance to about 80 pixels.
The next few steps can be altered, depending on the type of wood effect that you’re looking for. I’m going to use the Hue/Saturation and Levels commands to brighten the wood and give it a rich hue.
Select Image
* Than click: Adjustments
* Click: Hue/Saturation
or use the shortcut Ctrl-U (Command-U on a Mac) to bring up the Hue/Saturation dialog
box. Increase the Saturation to an amount that works for you—I used a value of 48.
Next, select Image
* Than Click: Adjustments
* Click: Levels
or press Ctrl-L (Command-L). Increase the contrast by dragging the black and white
sliders towards the center, as shown at right.Here comes the fun part! Next, Select Filter > Liquify.The Liquify filter dialog has several settings that you can use to achieve different effects, as shown below. Select a tool and experimentwith it by clicking and dragging, or holding your cursor over the texture
Next, crop the image to remove the edges that were not blurred, as shown below.
Your Wood-grain Background is complete. Export your completed wood-grain texture using Save For Web… , and you’re done! The example overleaf shows what my image looks like when it’s tiled on a web page.